Finocchiaro, C., Alario, F.-X., Schiller, N. O., Costa, A., Miozzo, M., and Caramazza, A. (2011). Gender congruency goes Europe: an inter-language study on the effect of gender congruence in Romance and Germanic languages. Ital. J. Linguist. 23, 161–198. But the singular pronouns he (he, his), she (she, her) and it (his) are gender-specific, so be careful to choose a singular pronoun that corresponds to the gender of its predecessor: Paolieri, D., Lotto, L., Leoncini, D., Cubelli, R. and Job, R. (2011).
Differential effects of grammatical gender and sex flexion in the production of naked nouns. Fr. J. Psychol. 102, 19–36. doi: 10.1348/000712610X496536 Schwichtenberg, B., and Schiller, N. O. (2004).
Semantic regularities of gender assignment in German. Lang brain. 90, 326–337. doi: 10.1016/S0093-934X(03)00445-0 La Heij, W., Mak, P., Sander, J., and Willeboordse, E. (1998). The gender congruence effect in image-word tasks. 61, 209–219. doi: 10.1007/s004260050026 A rare type of chord that copies parts of the head phonologically instead of agreeing with a grammatical category. [4] For example, in Bainouk: In Scandinavian languages, adjectives (attributive and predicative) are rejected based on gender, number, and certainty of the noun they change.
In Icelandic and Faroese, unlike other Scandinavian languages, adjectives are also rejected after grammatical cases. Audring J. (2006) Pronominal gender in spoken Dutch. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 18(2): 85–116 van Berkum, J. J. (1997). Syntactic processes in language production: the recovery of grammatical sex. Cognition 64, 115-152.
doi: 10.1016/S0010-0277(97)00026-7 languages cannot have a conventional agreement, as in Japanese or Malay; almost none, as in English; a small amount, as in the spoken French; a moderate amount, as in Greek or Latin; or a large quantity, as in Swahili. Most Slavic languages are heavily influenced, with the exception of Bulgarian and Macedonian. The correspondence is similar to Latin, for example, between adjectives and nouns in gender, number, case sensitivity (if counted as a separate category). The following examples come from Serbo-Croatian: Here he agrees with Caesar, not with the enemies: it is the singular and not the plural (which would be them). There is actually another type of agreement here too: it tells us that Caesar was a man, not a woman – a female subject like Cleopatra would, of course, be equated with her, and a non-living like the state would need it. This “gender” agreement is only necessary if the name with which one agrees is singular and not the speaker or recipient. Elsewhere, it is lost – there is no information about gender in me, ours, theirs or one. Arndt W.W. (1970) Nonzufällige Zuordnung von Lehnwörtern: Deutsches Nostantiv Geschlecht. Word 26: 244–253 Audring, J.
(forthcoming). Pronouns reinvent gender. Thesis VU University of Amsterdam. Bogomolova, Natal`ja. 2012. Ličnoe soglasovanie v tabasaranskom jazyke: Konceptualizator i ego adresat v strukture situacii [Personal agreement in Tabasaran: The conceptualizer and its recipient in the structure of the situation]. Voprosy jazykoznanija 4. 101-124. Nichols, Johanna.
1989. Nakh proof of family history in Nakh-Dagestanian. In Howard I Aronson (ed.), The non-Slavic languages of the USSR: Linguistic Studies, 158-175. Wechsler, Stephen and Larisa Zlatić. 2003. The many faces of the agreement. Stanford, CA: Center for the Study of Language and Information. However, using the rule of subject-verb correspondence, we see that the singular verb is what the mixture of singular nouns should represent, not plural elements. The message is therefore that alloys can contain non-metallic substances as long as the resulting mixture is metallic. That`s the truth: alloy steel, for example, contains non-metallic carbon in addition to metallic iron. .